UBSO Shopify Partner

Subscription Maintenance Service - Professional Edition

selling price price $45,000 Pricing unit price  Every 

Best for growing businesses that need reliable monthly Shopify expert support and want to save money on hiring developers.

Maintenance Period: One calendar month as the unit

  • Provide 15 hours of technical services per month

    • For technical support services, please refer to: , the service items are not limited to the above official website description, other technical support services can be LINE or Email at any time with our customer service connect.
    • Six additional hours of service will be offered at a discounted price of $2,400.
  • Provide instant messaging support services and website-related consulting services
  • If you have any questions about the project website, you will get a reply within one business day
  • If there is a bug due to project development, it will be adjusted within one to three working days depending on the urgency.
  • Monthly Google Analytics, Google Search Console, SEO Reports & Optimization Tips
  • Monthly FB Pixel Event Tracking Ad Delivery Recommendations


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