UBSO Shopify Partner

Install the Shopify app - Gift Cards & Loyalty Program Membership Points System

selling price price $4,800 Pricing unit price  Every 


- 1:1 PM communication needs, assist in analysis and selection of app

- app installation, basic setup, compatibility testing ( make sure not to conflict with theme and other apps)

- Contact theme/app developer for technical support as needed

- 14 calendar days after installation with warranty and consulting services

- Connect notification system

- Add and edit social meta tags for generating page previews

If you need to install other apps, please contact customer service for quotation


前所未有的突破!Shopify Editions Summer '24 革命性功能揭曉(下篇)
前所未有的突破!Shopify Editions Summer '24 革命性功能揭曉(下篇)
在我們的上半篇文章中,我們介紹了 Shopify Editions Summer '24 的一些重要更新,包括 Markets 統一管理擴展、Split Shipping 靈活運輸選項和 Shopify Magic 利用 AI 技術提...
前所未有的突破!Shopify Editions Summer '24 革命性功能揭曉(上篇)
前所未有的突破!Shopify Editions Summer '24 革命性功能揭曉(上篇)
Shopify 的最新版本 Shopify Editions Summer '24 為商家帶來了許多振奮人心的新功能,可以從這次版本名稱 "Unified" 猜到,這些功能旨在進一步統一和簡化商家的工作流程,並利用先進的 AI 技術來...
行銷活動要奪眼球又不影響跳出率嗎?一招教你 10 分鐘搞定站內通知
行銷活動要奪眼球又不影響跳出率嗎?一招教你 10 分鐘搞定站內通知