UBSO Shopify Partner

Install the Shopify app - Ship Station

selling price price $4,800 Pricing unit price  Every 

Tax included.


- 1:1 PM communication needs, assist in analysis and selection of app

- app installation, basic setup, compatibility testing ( make sure not to conflict with theme and other apps)

- Contact theme/app developer for technical support as needed

- 14 calendar days after installation with warranty and consulting services

If you need to install other apps, please contact customer service for quotation


【重點分享包】我多久得到我的第一個 Youtube 一萬訂閱
【重點分享包】我多久得到我的第一個 Youtube 一萬訂閱
本文重點整理 SEO 神器: Ubersuggest 的創辦人分享的 Youtube 三個戰術,希望對經營 Youtube 的品牌有幫助。 我到底花了多久呢?八個月,因為我試了無數的方法,這裏分享三個沒人討論過的初期策略,讓你能夠比...
怎麼避免品牌的郵件、Marketing Email 進入垃圾郵件夾?
怎麼避免品牌的郵件、Marketing Email 進入垃圾郵件夾?
掌握技巧,才有機會做出成果   一直以來,電子郵件營銷是很多企業或者個人推廣業務的重要手段,而隨著各電子郵箱服務商和服務器提供商對垃圾郵件的過濾機制越來越嚴格,營銷人員的工作也越來越具有挑戰性。 為了避免我們的郵件進入垃圾箱,...
Shopify allows merchants to accept bitcoin payments, how does this benefit brands?
Shopify allows merchants to accept bitcoin payments, how does this benefit brands?
What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is the first virtual currency (also known as cryptocurrency) to be launched, and it is curr...