How much will it cost to build an online store/official website with Shopify in 2022? Hidden costs? General arrangement of store opening costs (Part 1)

This year, many Taiwanese e-commerce brands want to use Shopify to build their website. Shopify is well-known for its high degree of freedom and scalability in design and development. There are thousands of apps and theme themes that can be installed into the store with one click. But just like stacking wood, the more features you need to install, the higher the cost. So how much does it cost to open a Shopify store? This is a question we are often asked, so we decided to organize it and share it with you, hoping to help you.

This article will describe the following fees in order:

  • Store Trial (Free)
  • Shopify Plan and Transaction Fees
  • Domain
  • Gold Flow
  • Theme
  • Apps
  • Customized design and development
  • Summary

Store trial for 14 days free

If you want to try to use Shopify to build an official e-commerce website for the first time, you can directly register on Shopify's official website for free, and you can get a 14-day free trial. Before the trial expires, merchants can try to see if this system is suitable. For example, you can freely edit website content, list products, and complete settings, but you must enter a password to browse the website and cannot actually sell it. You don't need to choose the Shopify plan and pay the first fee until the 14-day trial expires, giving merchants an additional two weeks to set up their site and list their products.

What if it takes more than 14 days to be ready to go live? In fact, it is very difficult for most of our customers to complete all preparations and go live in the store within 14 days, and generally have to pay first. BUT! The good news is that you can apply for an unlimited free trial store from UBSO Ecommerce, which means you don't have to spend a dime before you decide to go live, there are no hidden costs, and you can cancel your account at any time. If you are interested, you can click the bottom right corner to chat and consult!

Shopify Plan and Transaction Fees

There are 5 Shopify plans:

  • Basic Shopify $29/month
  • Shopify $79/month
  • Advanced Shopify $299/month
  • Shopify Plus from $2,000/month
  • Shopify Lite $9/month

As can be seen from the table below, the main difference between different schemes is transaction fees, as well as employee account numbers, reports, and inventory locations. Merchants can try to calculate the monthly transaction volume of the store to measure which scheme is cost-effective. Generally speaking, small and medium-sized merchants choose Basic Shopify or Shopify will do.

Shopify 方案比較

Shopify Plus is an enterprise-grade solution for high-traffic merchants and large enterprises, monthly From $2,000. How much is the transaction fee? If you use a third-party cash flow provider (Taiwan generally uses TapPay, Green World, PayNow, HiTrust, etc.), the fee for each transaction is 0.15%. If you use Shopify Payment (currently not available in Taiwan, merchants with foreign accounts and cross-border business can consider), transaction fees are exempted.
It is worth mentioning that only the Shopify Plus plan can customize the checkout page process, if you want to know more, you can Click the bottom right corner to chat and consult!

Shopify Lite is suitable for merchants who only sell in physical stores or have an official website, Only $9 per month! With the Shopify Buy Button, merchants can create embeddable product cards and checkout functionality that can be placed on any of your existing websites. if Only physical storefronts, you can also use this solution to achieve the effect of "in-store purchase, online order ". Shopify's Point-of-Sale app makes it easy to collect payments from your customers from your iOS or Android device.


Shopify's default store URL is "your store", but we definitely don't want to use this as the official URL. For e-commerce, registering a domain ending with .com or is A better choice. Generally, merchants will choose a preferred domain registration from GoDaddy. The annual fee ranges from about $20 USD or more, and the first year is often cheaper, about $13 USD .

Gold Flow

Merchants need to consider the cash flow part. Although there are transactions, there will be fees. However, some cash flow merchants will have a system setting fee, and some have an annual service fee. The following is the key table, and you can read this article for details: Sales in Taiwan - Comparison of Gold Logistics Solutions on Shopify E-commerce Official Website .

Shopify 金流商比較表一次看


Shopify 佈景主題商店

When building a website with Shopify, be sure to use a theme theme. It is the skin of the website, which brings a unique personality to the website. Putting products and pictures on it has a soul. Shopify Theme Store (the theme store) has a variety of online store styles to choose from, and even Shopify theme themes can be purchased from third-party websites, each with different features and functions.

Themes on the Shopify Theme Store range in price from $0 to $350. Once installed on the store, you can use them indefinitely. It's a one-time fee.

The merchant asked, which one should I choose with such a big price difference? We suggest that you should evaluate and select the appropriate theme according to the needs of the merchant. If you have no special needs, you can use the free theme first.


Shopify 應用程式商店

With Shopify, there are also apps that can go a long way in helping you sell! Most of the apps on the Shopify App Store are developed, updated and maintained by a third-party software development team, so there are corresponding fees, usually paid monthly, ranging from 0 yuan to hundreds of dollars, usually A 7-30 day trial is provided. Generally, when the store is opened, it is recommended to use the free or the lowest price plan first, and then upgrade when you feel that you need to upgrade.

Here are a few useful and common apps and fees for Taiwanese businesses:


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