Key Sharing Package: 2021 Taiwanese Enterprise Cross-border Key Report Presentation - Trade Data

Insight into overseas potential markets

If you have a cross-border digital e-commerce, platform or business, learning insights from global trade data will be one of the keys to success. Especially in the current situation, under the cover of the mutant virus, the international situation is changing every quarter and every month every year, that is to say, changes in the import data of various countries will affect the sales expansion and marketing decisions of exporters.

Take the data of the past two years as an example, in 2020, the import and export of masks, protective equipment, and home sports goods is nothing more than a substantial growth.

In 2021, with the coverage of vaccines, the global economy will gradually recover, leading to the fermentation of 5G communication and high-performance computing technology. Different trends and changes every year will also bring new potential markets and business opportunities.

E-commerce partners in Taiwan know that if you want to know the import data and trends of various countries, the iTrade global trade big data platform provides import and export trends of products, industries and markets, tariffs and Global exhibition enquiries. This information allows partners to grasp the real-time trends of import and export products, compare the competitiveness of products in different countries, and learn about online exhibitions during the epidemic.

The epidemic situation is changing, so seize the most potential business opportunities now. It is easy to have a cross-border e-commerce website, but it is not easy to do it well. You are welcome to contact us by private message now and leave it to UBSO ECommerce to realize the most professional e-commerce official website for you and accelerate sales growth.

If you see here, if you have any questions about running the official e-commerce website, or want to know more, pleaseclick the chat button in the lower right corner to contact UBSO ECommerce for a free consultation.

About Us

UBSO was established in 2018 and is a team of professional e-commerce developers dedicated to providing Shopify store design and development services for Taiwanese cross-border e-commerce brands. We provide complete website consulting services, online store design and function development, gold logistics and management system construction, listen carefully to needs, provide customized services, save time, effort and worry for customers, you only need to focus on the most important matter.


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