Sales in Taiwan - Shopify E-commerce Official Website Gold Logistics Plan Comparison

Shopify is loved by many domestic and foreign merchants for its rich functions, but for many Taiwanese brands, the most important thing is to allow domestic consumers to place orders, pay and receive goods smoothly. This article will introduce several cash flow solutions that can be selected in the face of the Taiwan market.

Look at the comparison table of Shopify cash flow merchants at a time

  • Tappay and HiTrust negotiated the handling fee with the bank by themselves, but did not cooperate with the overpayment
  • Green World and PayNow negotiate the handling fee with Jinliu, you can withdraw more than

Therefore, if a brand wants to overtake it, it usually chooses from Green World and PayNow.

Comparison of Green World and PayNow

Green World

Setting fee is 5000 yuan, 10000/year fee, APP is about 29 USD/month

Fee for each payment method

  • Credit card payment (3D verification)

    2.45%/pen Min. NT$5/pen

  • ATM Collection

    1%/pen Min. NT$10/pen

  • Superstore code collection


Supermarket pick-up fee

  • Superstore pick-up store to store (including 7-11+Family)

  • Pickup & Pay


  • Pure pickup



The setup fee is RMB 2,500, and the annual fee is waived

Fee for each payment method

  • Credit card payment (3D verification)


  • ATM Collection


  • China UnionPay Card


  • Superstore code collection


Supermarket pick-up fee

  • Superstore pick-up store to store (including 7-11+Family)

  • Pickup & Pay


  • Pure pickup


Superstore pick-up bulk (including 7-11+Family)

  • Superstore pick up bulk (including 7-11+Family)

  • Pickup & Pay


Overall, using PayNow will cost less for small merchants. In the green world, the entire checkout process is relatively smooth, and both of them must be modified with some background settings to modify the prompt text in Shopify.

Checkout Process

The checkout process of Shopify is divided into three steps after clicking checkout in the shopping cart. This part involves the security of cash flow. Unless the Shopify Plus plan is used, the brand cannot modify it. From these three parts:

1. Information page (Information)

2. Shipping page

3. Payment page (Payment)

The APP that cooperates with Green World will insert a block where you can select over-pickup home delivery in the shopping cart page

In the case of over-fetching, the customer will directly fill in the next page to fill in the consumer information page if the customer chooses the supermarket.

Because the supermarket information is directly imported, consumers may not know whether the shipping address needs to be modified. At this time, you can change the text description of the "shipping address" in the Shopify backend to "If you choose to pick up the goods from the supermarket, you don't need to modify it". .

PayNow is the last checkout page. After you press confirm checkout, you will jump to the PayNow interface to select a supermarket.

Generally speaking, the green world process is relatively easy to understand, and PayNow is less likely to cause users to accidentally modify the supermarket address.

Shopify e-commerce official website reference for Taiwanese consumers

I hope this article is helpful for Taiwanese brands. If you have more questions, please feel free to ask our customer service team in the lower right corner!

Further reading

Is Taiwan e-commerce suitable for Shopify? 2021Taiwan Brand ShopifySuccessful Cases of Opening a Store

Open Your Global Store with Shopify — 2021Latest Update


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